Posted by: judywallace | May 17, 2009

Emerging from Women Moving the Edge May 1-4, 2009


 Reflections / Themes from Women Moving the Edge May 1-4, 2009 

Be an open Vessel for the New Form(s) wanting to emerge 

What does this mean – to be an open vessel?  How do we offer to ourselves what already is and invite what we are not yet aware of?

 Be in the Not-Knowing, a state of inquiry, in the moment, open to the emergent … Ria spoke of Night Consciousness.  In the day there is light and we can see our path.  In the night it is as if we are walking backwards, feeling our way, uncertain, using all our other senses, our bodies, our intuitive knowing, all ways of knowing we have not yet tapped into to take just the next step.  Just one very careful step.  It seems to require a lot of letting go, of trust, and of becoming an open vessel for Night Consciousness to illumine through us, individually and collectively, the yet unknown ways of addressing the great questions we hold and for which we have no answers. 

The Wild, Seduction, Allurement  There is an aspect of feminine wholeness that we so often keep in the background or even deny.  In my religious and family upbringing, being seductive was too sensual and sexual to be encouraged or even acknowledged. It was sinful and dark.  And it was the feminine who seemed to hold it down, to keep that bargain, somehow.  Had there been long ago an agreement to hide this aspect of who we are for something we valued more?  Was it for our and our children’s protection, a safe and warm place to live, for food and some sense of security? And in an older place in consciousness did we not yet see the power and value of allurement in attracting the best in human potential?  And the creativity and unpredictability of the wildness?  Was this all too scarey?  What if we truly opened as a vessel to live and be the highest future potential in all its attractiveness, it wildness, its seduction?  What would that look like?  How would we be?  How would we embody this?  

The Shadow, Illusion, the Real and the UnReal   Why are the wild, the not knowing, the sensual, the night, and often the feminine, all associated with Shadow, with the parts of ourselves and human consciousness that are not yet illumined, that we don’t want to see, that we avoid?  As women during this Women Moving the Edge we saw that shadow is an illusion.  Clouds casting shadows on the earth are transparent, and behind them is the radiance of light.  Are they merely our illusions, our ways of not fully seeing?  Is it possible that in the shadows lie our greatest potential, the answers we have been seeking for eons?  What if we are an open vessel for the light?  And this brings me to the veil.

 Lifting the Veil  This theme emerged early on during WMtE 6 and I notice it is in my writings from earlier months.  There is this sense that the feminine in all her full potential,  in how she can truly partner with the masculine, has by her own agreement been veiled for a long, long time.   And in so doing we mask the full potential of the Earth herself.  We can see the veil as a kind of shadow or illusion that we are still holding for some kind of protection.  It can be the thin layer in consciousness that we construct to keep from knowing what lies just beyond in the realm of other dimensions, other ways of knowing.  It can be the way we have allowed the masculine to hide us, to keep us in the shadows, to protect even themselves from the wild seduction, the unpredictable and yet tempting alluring not-knowing that haunts us.  It can be the way we have become disconnected from the Earth and our own earthiness. If we become an open vessel, like the birth canal itself, the vagina that we cannot name, how could we then protect ourselves?  What if we would not need to? There seems to be long patterns of fear, for both masculine and feminine, intertwined in the dance that is itself a gridlock that we have created.  How will we break free?  

 Collective Sourcing    We have many questions and now, as we begin to come together after eons of separation, we discover our collective wisdom and power.  Being an open collective vessel for coming from Source, is really an incredible tool and practice for breaking through eils of illusion.  Back to the question of “How do we offer to ourselves what already is and invite what we are not yet aware of?  Not-knowing includes what we already know and a willingness to let go in the moment to know beyond anything we might have imagined.  And the power comes through the question, and we find the higher and bigger the question, the deeper we can source.  Women Moving the Edge has been an evolutionary path for the feminine qualities of knowing, of sourcing, to become visible and known to us.  We are beginning to see how to hold this kind of space is being an open collective vessel for what wants to emerge, for new forms to be birthed, for the next steps to be seen and given direction.  We see we must be whole in our presence, beyond the ego self, and willing to collectively know. We are learning to give language to what we are experiencing.  And the experience is one of even greater wholeness – of knowing and embodying all ways of knowing – of opening all we are as vessels in service to evolution, as part of the Earth herself.  This is true freedom.  The fire of breakthrough, the grounding in Earth, the blinding light of illumination as we hold all paradox in the birthing moment, as we become fully alive at the edge. 

More to come…


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