Posted by: judywallace | February 9, 2008

Women Moving the Edge 3

IMG_7676.jpgOriginally uploaded by i-yeshe

The energetic interweaving streams of women’s archetypal wisdom are still settling into my being as I have returned from Belgium and from this 3rd gathering of women exploring conscious collective women’s leadership.  (Feb. 1-4, 2008)

I was honored to be part of the hosting team with Ria Baeck and Helen Titchen Beeth. My very strong sense is that the collective field grows and expands, with the grooves deepening through our successive coming together.

Ria and Helen have both begun to blog to share the incredibly abundant harvest . You can find them here. Ria’s Seeds for a Happy Planet and Helen’s blog in Gaia Community.

Their postings may take a chronological path, at least initially. For me I am taking a thread or theme or sensed knowing and attempting to give language to it. One learning is the importance of being explicit, to articulate what seems almost without words. We must give our collective inner knowing form. We are to make it manifest in the world.  This knowing is our collective feminine gift.


  1. […] of this fascinating time together. With the help of my own and Maria’s notes and Helen’s and Judy’s blog I come a long […]

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